The 3 "P's" of Fatherhood
I have a friend who coaches his son’s soccer team. In a recent blog post, he shared this funny yet impactful story: After introductions...

Leaders Focus on People; Managers Focus on Programs
When Christ visited the ancient inhabitants of the American continent (after his resurrection and ascension into heaven), he finished...

When Doing the Right Thing Seems Crazy
In the 1940’s my grandpa, Marwood J. Hales, bought some land west of Redmond, Utah. He then took a mule and a plow and went to work. ...

Oh Beautiful...
As I sit here on the Sunday before Independence Day, my thoughts go to those leaders who made our independence possible. I admire those...

Consider the Lilies
In 2012, I was faced with a dilemma. I had a decent job with Goldman Sachs, but I felt like I should go back to school and get an MBA. ...

Pleasure vs Joy
As I write this, my wife is in the kitchen making cookies and brownies for an event related to my church assignment. Some of you may...

You Underestimate Your Influence
This weekend, Don Flora, a man from my childhood church congregation, passed away. As one of the kindest men I’ve ever met, he was truly...

Thy Will Be Done
One of our family traditions around Easter is to commemorate last week of Jesus by watching bible videos depicting the events of each...

The Worth of One Soul
Shortly after Christ ascended into heaven, his apostles and disciples met to worship and were suddenly all filled with the Holy Ghost. ...

Leading with Grace
In Christianity we sometimes find a debate on the role of "works" in salvation. This debate is fueled by seemingly contratictory...